Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am a tea cup!

We went away this weekend on a youth retreat for the girls in our church. The name of this retreat is Daughters of the King or DOTK. They rent out some beach houses and take the girls to the beach for the weekend.

There were a lot of great lessons taught. Patti gave an illustration of a little boy who love sail boats, and so his parents bought him a sail boat model kit for him to build. It was tedious work at times but because of his passion for the object he kept working until it was perfect. The next day he took it out and put it in a stream near his home. He ran joyfully beside the river as his beautiful creation floated casually down stream. Before the boy had time to realize it thought the current began moving faster and faster carrying his boat farther and farther from him. There was nothing he could do. He stood there crying as his new boat drifted out of sight. The next day while walking past the toy store in town he saw a boat, HIS boat in the window. He ran inside and excitedly explained to the clerk that the boat was his, he had made it piece by piece...the clerk looked at him and said well boy, for $20 you can take it home. Sadly the boy did not have the money and the clerk forced him to leave without his treasure. Over the next week, the boy worked tirelessly doing anything and everything he could to raise the money to buy back his beloved boat, finally the end of the week arrived and he had enough to pay the price. He ran down town and into the store and threw the money up on the counter....sir, I'm here for my boat, I've paid the price. At last the little boy was handed his boat. He clutched it tightly to his chest as he walked out into the street. As he turned towards home the toy clerk over heard him speaking to the boat as he cradled it in his arms....he said...boat I made you, and I've bought you, you are twice mine!

The Lord of all creation made us. He new from the very beginning of time what we'd be, and who we'd be...but he didn't stop there, He also died to pay the price that we owe for our sins.

He created us, he bought us....we are twice HIS! :-)

The next wonderful story that I heard was that of a tea cup. It was a narration given from the perspective of a beautiful delicate tea cup. I will not attempt to recreate the whole story, it was beautiful and I know I'd mess it up. But the point of the story was this.

This tea cup started out as a clump of mud. After being gathered by the master potter it began a painful process of being beaten, softened, molded, shaped and fired, and then after it cooled is was painted and fired again....through each stage of the process the tea cup explained the terror and pain associated in the process. Many many times through out the ordeal it would plead with the potter, please, please leave me hurts to much. To which the potter would respond no, not yet, I'm not done yet. After each trip through the fire the tea cup would be set aside on a shelf to cool and each time the potter would reach for it again to perform another transforming step the tea cup would cry please, what will you do with me now? What is next for me?

Many many times, I've felt like that tea cup. Beaten, spinning in circles, and run through the fire of this life. Lonely, sitting on the shelf, wondering, waiting to see what comes next.....sometime crying out to God saying, God it hurts too much, what's next? What do you want from me? What will you do with me now? At the end of the story the tea cup was transformed into a delicate, beautiful creation! More importantly if became useful and needed. A treasure. We don't know what the fire is that we will pass through next....nor how many trips through the kiln we will face....praise our Heavenly Father! He does know, and He know why too! How Great Is OUR GOD!

Day by day and with each passing moment strength I find to meet my trials hear! Trusting in my Fathers wise bestowment I've no cause for worry or for fear. He whose heart is kind beyond all measure give unto each day what deems best lovingly it's part of pain and pleasure mingling toil with peace and rest.

Every day the Lord Himself is near me with special mercy for each hour, all my cares He fain would bear and cheer me He whose name is COUNSELOR and POWER! The protection of His child and treasure is a charge that on Himself He your days your strength shall be in measure this the pledge to me He made.

Help me then in every tribulation so to trust your promise Oh Lord that I lose not faiths sweet consolation offered me within your Holy Word. Help me Lord when toil and trouble meeting e'er to take as from a Fathers hand. One by one the days the moments fleeting till I reach the promise land.


Carrie said...

Sounds like it was a good time! Keep standing strong! See you next week!

Carrie said...

Thanks again for sharing the stories... I love the potter and clay example. That is so true. I'm going to go off of that for my new quite time blog!

Carrie said...

Hi Jaime... i tagged you on my blog!