Friday, November 7, 2008

I am and will be praying that God will be glorified in and through the new administration and that God will protect and empower His people to stand in the days to come!

I struggle, however, with grasping the historical buzz of the past few days. I understand that it was historical and I understand people are excited but to the height that it's reached? I don't get it.

Before you get upset with me....give me a moment to explain.

I honestly never notice race. The community I was born in and spent many years in was and still is a majority of African American population. In Youngstown and Warren white people seemed to be a minority. I heard people say all the time....don't look at what someone does or doesn't do based on the color of their skin. The color of ones skin doesn't matter, it's how they live......what they do, and how they apply themselves. So when a person achieved a certain level of success it always used to offend me when I heard them say things like, "yeah and he's African American too, so good for him!?!" What? And I guess that's what I've been hearing lately.....I just don't get it.

He's a man....just like, Bush, or Clinton, or Garfield...(no one is like Reagen :-D ) a man who became President. Prejudices have and will continue to exist...people have and will continue to overcome that as long as sin is on the earth.

Please, please, don't get me wrong. I do not minimize the terrors of slavery or prejudice. I know it was bad, real bad! I guess I just feel like all this talk about him making it to the White House and being black too......I don't seems to me like it keeps the whole thing going and going. If I were him....I think I'd want people to talk about how hard I worked to get there, or the issues and plans I will begin to implement, not the fact that I am black. The fact that he's there in the highest office in the land....even if I like his moral beliefs or the accomplishment. Not the fact that he's a black man.

Again, I do not belittle the accomplishments nor the struggles that some have gone through....

We shout the praises of how far America has come in this issue....and I guess, I guess that's true....but I think our country will not really get past it until the color of ones skin truly is a mute point.

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