Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm at lunch...and online!

This is so cool! I am writing to you on my lunch break at work! AT WORK! I got wireless internet this week. I actually have something to do to take my mind away from this place for a little while. Yeah! This is great, I turn on the PC...plug in this little balck thing, wait just a moment and boom. I have the internet...I've checked my e-mails and looked at a couple of sites. Fun! I need to get some head phones...I'll be able to watch tv shows or something like that during my lunches...or YouTube...I can do or Itunes...or NetFlix!! Ahh the freedom....what a feeling! Ok...I'm done!

Today has been rough....this week has been rough. Come on Friday night....I will be one happy girl at 5pm.

I made a collage of pictures of the kids and my parents and grandparents. I put it up at my desk and it's really nice. I think I'm going to find a big picture frame to put it's quite lovely. So that is what I'm looking at I kill time.

I think I'm going to try to start my novel again this weekend. I found the character profiles that I wrote a few months back and it made me anxious to do something with them. I've got a part of a plot...but I need to figure out how to develope it.

So anyway, I guess I have nothing significant for this blog. I just wanted to post something to celebrate my online independence. Have a good one people!

Once lunch is over I will have 4 hours left. Tonight I am going to try to clean up the clutter scattered around my house....and keep it that way...this time. :-)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Bend in the Road

It's been so long since I've written. I actually kind of forgot I had this. I deactivated my Facebook account and sudenly I have all this free time at night....and I thought I didn't go on Facebook a lot. Boy, was I wrong!

So what's new? What's new? Alot and nothing at the same time. Work is still work....between you, me, and the dog sleeping on my feet...I am miserable there. I tread onward praying for my "bend in the road". I think I know when that bend will come...April 2011. I have made the decision to move back to the Ohio/Pa area. Why do I list both? Because more than likely I will be jumping over the boarder quite often. My parents live just a few moments from the Pa line.

I am sad to leave NC. I will miss the heat, the sun, my irratic hair brained friends....ok this is sounding too much like a Twilight seriously I will miss the's really pretty here. I will miss my friends..the small little group of ladies that God has blessed me with the past few years. I wish I can take you all with me. So you may ask why are you going if you are so sad to leave? A few of you may list 8 very monumental reasons. You'd be right....but not entirely. I love my family and I am lonely here more often then not....but that's not why I'm going...entirely...though Josiah crying on the phone does have a big part of that.

I realized something this past year that has been poking at me for a long time. I have been living in neutral. "Lady in Waiting" should have been the name of the blog for so long. I've been praying and hoping that God would bless me with a husband and children of my own. With that prayer in my heart I kept telling doesn't matter that your job makes you miserable, it doesn't matter that you would almost...ALMOST...hug your boss if he fired you tomorrow. It doesn't matter because..."ONE DAY YOUR PRINCE WILL COME." and then none of this 8-5 terror will seem important. Not that I thought I'd get to quit working right away. I'm fine with working until I have kids. But I thought it would be easier if I had someone.

Well a few months ago....I woke up. I'm 32. Yes, I still want to get married. Sometimes, I believe he might even be out there. The point is...I'm done waiting. I need to live my life. I know that my true vocation is to honor and glorify God and to proclaim Him to a lost and dying world. I know that you can and should do that with every job you take on. Lately I'm praying so hard just to make it through the day without shaming Him with my attitude that I have little concentration for anything else. So I've decided to pursue a long time passion of mine. Baking....note there is no "n" in that word. I love experimenting, learning new techniques and inventing new recipes. I love it so much that I want to do it for a living. So now you're saying...well don't they eat sugar in NC? Yes they do....but I will need to take such a pay cut to begin at the bottom and work in a bakery to learn my skills. (num chuck skills, computer hacking skills) anyway...I'm not going to be making enough to support myself. So I am moving back in with mom and dad.

I'm nervous about it...sure...I am so set in my little secluded way that I'm nervous about the stretching I'll need to do. I am excited though that I can do this.

So please pray for me over the next 9 months:

1.) For a clean transition from Carolina to Buckeye. From single gal bathroom 3 people.
2.) For a job.
3.) For clarity.
4.) For the friends I will be leaving behind.
5.) For any preparation that I can do now before I go.
6.) For so much that I cannot put into words.

I leave this in the Fathers hands and with excitement...and a tear....and though sometimes I am tempted to take it back out of His hands and worry over it just a little more I trust that He knows my path. He knows when I wake and when I sleep. He knows what I need and what I don't need. He is my peace and He has broken down every wall. I look forward to the bend in my road.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Location Location Location

Lately, I've been reading alot about "Heavenly Focus". It seems like every study I pick up is dealing with it. Living with Heaven in view. Living with a "future focus". There are as many catchy phrases as there are study guides in the religious book stores. My question is this. With so many books...better many Biblical references calling us to be separate, to be pure, to be Holy........can it really be done? Is it possible to take it "too far"?

Pilippians says "let this mind be in you, (here is the scary part), which was also in Christ Jesus". My brain hurts to think about that statement...I am to have the mind of Christ. How? I've heard so many people say...well we can't ever be perfect, God knows that. I've heard others say that it is possible to be so Heavenly Minded that you're no earthly good. Is it really? I don't think so....not for me anyway. We really can't be holy as Christ is holy because of our sinnful nature. We won't be perfect until we're glorified. Although true, more often than not, we use that as an excuse. We use it to harbour sin in our lives. To squelcht the guilt of another failed attempt, or simply as a reason not to really try at all. We say thing like.."God knows my heart"...and move through our lives like that makes it all ok.

An old church song comes to mind. The world behind me...I am no longer bound by my sin. How can I who is dead to sin live in it any longer? The cross before focus, my mission is to live with Christ's sacrifice forever in my mind and His victory in my life. No turning turning back. This is the Heavenly Focus. "For I determine not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him Crucified" I Cor. 2:2.

I want to live with heaven in view. Just like the disciples I want others to know by simply hearing me speak that I have been with Jesus. I don't want to just read about being set apart and chosen, I want to be set apart and chosen.

"Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee take my moments and my days let them flow in ceaseless praise let them flow in ceaseless praise."

Sunday, July 5, 2009

So today I started studying for a new topic in the women's study. We are going to be talking about a lot of different topics.....that are all magically intertwined together.

To start off with we are talking about our position in Christ. What do we become, or rather what should we become when we as young ladies are adopted into the family of the king? The title of the lesson is "Once Upon A Time". I don't know, I think it's rather clever. Anyway.....what does it mean to be a Daughter of the King? A Princess. How does a princess of the Most High act. How does she respond to others. Dress, talk, think? All of these things are going through my much in there...but it's so hard to reign it all in.

So anyway. I am anxious and nervous about this because I want my thoughts for this group to be God's thoughts. My plans His plans. I believe that He has placed this on my heart but it is an undertaking such as I have not done up until now. I would love prayers so that I would be able to organize everything into the lessons and weeks ahead, and that I will deal honestly and openly and with love....and that it will be encouraging and provoking the others to Godliness. Oh and that I won't leave anything out. Oh so much. yeah...prayer would be great!

Princess in Training!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Beastly King's Tale: Based On A True Story!

There was a mighty king of old his heart was lifted high;
His city walls and towers strong his riches made him sigh.

Of all the kingdoms near and far of big and small combine;
no glory shadowed over him no king could match his shine.

And then this king lay down his head for night the sun had dimmed;
he closed his eyes to sleep thought he with pride his heart full brimmed.

Expected he to dream of wealth, of glory, fame, and praise;
instead a root of greatest height began to weave it's maze.

A sturdy tower, a blooming bud, a tree to heaven reached;
its fruit delivered willingly, it's sweetness all men preached.

It's shadow from the noon day heat provided creatures care;
of comfort, peace and sheltered rest for any stopping there.

No woodman's axe, no fires flame could take away it's length;
with passing time it's mighty limbs would only grow in strength.

Until one day a watcher from highest heaven flew;
along with him a holy one with both a mission true.

They felled the mighty trunk, yes and brought it to the ground;
destroying all but lowly stump, beside no leaf was found.

Seven seasons, seven rains, fruitless harvests, blinding rays;
no signature of greatness, no legacy, nor praise.

With this the king woke startled, quite unsure of what he'd seen;
he knew he had to seek it out what could the vision mean.

He called the wisest of the wise he searched for all his gods;
but none could find the reason and left the king at odds.

But then an idea struck him of one that he could call;
he claimed to be a servant of the greatest God of all.

The prophet stood in silence as the king relayed the tale;
and then left in eerie musement once instructed not to fail.

For hours the man sat speechless as Jehovah answered true;
the meaning of this vision brought sorrow coming due.

The tree explained the prophet oh prideful king is you;
reduced to live as cattle, you soon will follow through.

You credit all your power, your greatness and your wealth;
you look not to the maker but find it all in self.

Until you look with in you and see a creature true;
you never will be ready to bow your heart a new.

A day a, a week, a month, a year passed quickly for the king;
until the prophecy became a true and living thing.

His heart was full of wickedness, was woven through with pride;
he looked at all his kingdom and himself he glorified.

And before the next full hour in misery and shame;
the king had lost his senses this man a beast became.

For seven years he lingered his hair and nails grown thick,
he crawled on bended knee and hands as time began to tick.

And then one day God's mercy fell upon the wretched soul;
his memories returned to him, his senses became whole.

And in that very moment he praised the God most high;
for none can rule in power without Him standing by.

The beast became a king once more a modest, wiser king;
all honor and praises to only one would he forever sing.

And now my story's ended its moral should ring true;
a broken contrite spirit yield, lest pride make ruin you!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's definitely a PETER NIGHT!




Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And so today I am officially down to one animal again. Lilly has grown increasingly "ill". I was so worried about her.....not playing, not eating, hiding a lot! Then one night about a week and a half ago she kept waking me up by running all over the place up things, down things, under things, and over them.....I was getting really irritated when I realized...she was trying to get away from Mylie. She just wanted to sleep, she's older, and she's used to sleeping at night. But 6 month old Mylie would not have it. I started paying closer attention and realized that when Lilly would try to eat...Mylie woud stop her...when she tried to drink...Mylie was right there. Poor Lilly is a one person cat...and she truly loves me the best she is able to....but adding another feline to the mix was more than she could take.

She's lived fine with Terriers, Lab mixes, and even a Chiuaua (sp?). She's fine with dogs...but there is only room for one cat around here I guess.

So today, bundled in a pink beautiful gray kitten was sent back to the shelter I got her from. My friend Andrea went with me and as soon as I walk in the door I broke down. The lady behind the counter said...can I help you? To wich I responded with a sob and pointed to Andrea and said "talk". So Andrea started to explain...and the lady said..oh you're the one who called. Thankfully I had called early to explain why Mylie was being surrendered for adoption. The lady remembered and she's ok. I filled out two forms and there you have it...they said we'll do the best we can and that was it.

I was so bummed but when I got home I was greeted by a bouncing happy Lilly. Now confindent in her position...and eating like a pig.

I will never forget that pretty little gray....I pray that she finds a great home...where she too will be queen bee.

I'm going to wait a year or two....then...I'm getting a dog. :-)